1. What services are offered through Best Life Counseling
and Coaching, LLC?
Best Life Counseling and Coaching Offers In Person
counseling services. To see more about
our services, please continue to browse this website
2. What are the Office Hours for Best Life Counseling
and Coaching, LLC?
Please click on the "Office Hours" link on this web site
to see the hours at Best Life Counseling
and Coaching, LLC
3. What Groups do you offer at Best Life Counseling and,br>
Coaching, LLC?
At this time, Best Life Counseling is not offering any
groups. However, another therapist in our building
will be offering groups in the future and they will be
advertised on our web site
4. How is confidentiality dealt with?
I keep all information that you give me confidential
The exceptions are if you are suicidal, homicidal or
I suspect Child or Elder Abuse.
These are State and Federal Guidelines that I am bound
by as a therapist
E-mails, Chats and phone calls can not always be
confidential and doing anything over the internet can
have its risks. You can use a password to protect
both your computer and your e-mail server. You may
also want to delete e-mails from your hard drive and
remember to empty your sent, trash, and recycle files
too. If you are concerned that someone why has access
to your computer will find out that you visited
my web site, you can delete the cache of your browser
Check in the browsers help menu on how to do this
You can also get a firewall on your computer
and there are many ones available.
5. How can I get more resources that may help me
with my issues or life stressors ?
Go to the Resources, More Resources and
Bookliston this web site. If you just want
some fun things to do in Florida to help with
stress relief go to the Fun Things to Do
web page on this web site
6. What if I am suicidal or homicidal?
Please go to the local Emergency Room, call 911
or 1-800-SUICIDE(1-800-784-2433). This is a
national suicide hotline